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Hashtags (#) for SEO and Positioning on Social Media
Hashtags (#) for SEO and Positioning on Social Media

Hashtags (#) for SEO and Positioning on Social Media

by | May 15, 2024 | Digital Marketing, Social Media

Wouldn’t it be great if you could filter searches around a certain topic on social media?

If you agree, you can be happy because there is a solution for that: The hashtag!

With the spread of social media, the presence of hashtags has become increasingly constant. Many of us have already seen them and have even come to use this artifice. However, many times we do not understand its main function.

Do you know how hashtags work for SEO and how they can be used on social media? We all know that they can be used on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, but to what extent is this correct, and when are we abusing and harming the brand’s online positioning with it? Markethix brings you this article to explain it to you. 

Relationship Between Hashtags and Social Media

As you know, SEO and social media form a valuable relationship; both are essential for any digital marketing strategy. Being popular on social media helps SEO, and the use of hashtags on social media allows us to achieve both interactions and more visibility for our publications. If your business is located in Florida, you must trust your SEO company in Miami with this. 

For all these reasons, hashtags are becoming more and more important on social media. This element is very commonly used in digital marketing strategies when it comes to promoting social media actions and thus reaching the largest possible target audience.

Ultimately, hashtags reinforce social media posts and keywords to our SEO efforts. So the trick is to implement the two strategies together so that the digital marketing campaign is comprehensive.

What are Hashtags and What are they for?

A hashtag is a metadata tag preceded by a special character, the symbol (#), intended to be quickly identified by both the publishing platform and users. They are used to mark the topic of the content that we are sharing on social media.

For example, the most representative hashtag for this post that we could use to share it on social media would be #HashtagsSEO or #SEOhashtag.

By typing the character “#” in front of any keyword, a search link will automatically be created with this term, allowing users to more easily find related content of interest. Thus, you could say that hashtags are the keywords of social media.

The grouping of these keywords used after the # allows you to classify related content. While content creators use them to increase the reach of their publications, users use them to search on a specific topic and find what is of their liking.

Thus, thanks to hashtags we not only find the publication that addresses the topic that has been tagged, but we also more easily identify which people and places are actively talking about that topic. For instance, for Local SEO in Florida, the most direct way to check which users are participating in the virality of a certain trend in that area, which, in the case of Twitter, allowed us to generate what we know as “Trending Topics”.

Why are Hashtags Keywords?

In the same way that the keywords studied in SEO help the search, hashtags do so for positioning on social media.

Both terms (hashtags and keywords) are used to increase visibility in the search engines of their respective platforms, helping direct organic traffic to the company’s website or social media page.

We have already explained how hashtags label certain content so that when a user clicks on the link, they can find other publications that have used the same hashtag.

Well, keywords help position the content of your website, like when an SEO company in Miami publishes a blog post to market a brand. You just have to know how to incorporate these keywords, as overusing them can be harmful. The same can happen with hashtags: they can be more effective if we introduce a few quality ones than if we use many.

Another similarity between the two is that they help us combat the competition and fight for the attention of the target audience in an organic way, that is, without paid advertising campaigns. In the case of hashtags, we achieve this by appearing in the feed or among the first search results for content on social media. For its part, in the case of keywords for the web appearing in the first results of the SERP (Search Engine Results Page).

On the other hand, the main difference between hashtags on social media and keywords for SEO lies in the time in which each one is effective. While in SEO, it can take Google weeks to rank content and display it on the corresponding search results page, on social media, the results are much more immediate.

How can My Company Use Hashtags?

Now that you know what a hashtag is, it’s time to understand how you to use this knowledge in your business.

First of all, it is important to emphasize the importance of having corporate profiles on social media where your audience is more present and active. This way, you can interact and get closer to your audience, creating a relationship that goes far beyond the commercial.

If your profile is public, using hashtags appropriately can get your content found in addition to the people who already follow you. Choosing hashtags can play a fundamental role in the reach of your publications, increasing the number of followers, fans, or customers.

It is interesting to create a hashtag for your brand or event as a marketing strategy; a good SEO company in Miami can do this for you. This way, it can encourage your audience with your hashtag to compete in promotions or prizes, for example. In exchange for this, they will greatly increase the visibility of your hashtag.

When a brand creates a hashtag, people start to take ownership of it. They interact directly with the brand and the company, thus increasing the possibility of becoming customers later.

How to Create a Hashtag for a Brand?

According to what has been reported so far, it is possible to perceive that creating a successful hashtag is very important for your brand. That’s because a well-made hashtag increases the chances of visits to your site or blog. Currently, the most searched and popular hashtags are those referring to celebrities or breaking news. Thus, it is understood that the most successful hashtags are those that refer to matters of interest to millions of people.

As one of the best SEO companies in Miami, we’ll give you some tips to start creating a fantastic hashtag for your brand:

Be Unique

The first point to consider is that the hashtag must be unique. To find out if it has already been used, enter Twitter and search for the term to see if it has already been used. Apart from being unique, the hashtag must refer to a topic of interest to the target audience.

Pay Attention to the Schedule

Every social media has its peak hours, times when more people can be connected. It is essential to consider this aspect and carefully plan the date and time of using the hashtag in the cause.

Take Advantage of Blog Posts

A good idea is to prepare some texts related to the hashtag and leave them ready to use.

Right People Blow up Your Hashtag

When decision-makers or influential people are found on the network, and they feel comfortable using your hashtag, you are more than halfway done. By being used by those people, you have more opportunities for your target audience to become interested in the matter.

Final Thoughts

Finally, we must keep in mind that each of the social media has its particularities and specifications. This means that an SEO hashtag or keyword that succeeds on Twitter does not have to have the same results on Facebook or Instagram.

As with any digital marketing strategy, you have to test and stay up to date.

So you should pay close attention to the evolution of hashtags and analyze the statistics of each social media month by month. For all these matters, you can use a digital marketing company to help you with this. Markethix is your solution. We are the experts in digital marketing in Miami, and we specialize in SEO, PPC, social media, web design, and much more. Contact us for a detailed consultation.


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