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7 Ultimate Hotel Social Media Marketing Strategies
7 Ultimate Hotel Social Media Marketing Strategies- Markethix

7 Ultimate Hotel Social Media Marketing Strategies

by | Oct 14, 2023 | Social Media Marketing

Social media is undoubtedly one of the most powerful channels to promote your hotel business. Social channels can increase brand awareness and showcase your business like nothing else, leading to more direct bookings.

Interacting with guests is a prime benefit of social media marketing. With the right marketing strategy, you can advertise your hotel as an exquisite experience, not just a place to board. 

Direct communication with guests will help you provide a more personalized and meaningful experience to your guests, which can bring all the difference to your hotel promotion. 

Here, we will share seven strategies to ensure high visibility and reach the target audience, which will mean great business for your hotel.  

You can also connect with us at Markethix – the leading website development company in Florida, to handle all your hotel marketing tasks and bring in more guests and connections. 

1. Share the Voice and Story of Your Brand

It’s common for property owners to use social media to make a name for themselves in the industry. It’s equally common to get lost in the crowd. Today’s customers are looking for authentic experiences, and as a hotel owner, it’s your task to provide them with that. Develop your brand’s voice and share your values consistently to attract like-minded travelers. 

So, whatever your brand’s USP is, whether it’s casual or highly energetic, adventure-filled, or provides a high-class and posh experience, develop that personality and showcase it in your videos, descriptions, interactions with travelers, and so on. 

You should also show faces – the faces of people behind the camera to showcase authenticity. Share your brand’s story, its origin, what makes you unique, and behind-the-scenes insights. 

2. Create Shareable Social Media Content

Create shareable social media content to help take your hotel marketing to the next level. To do it right, you need to break through the clutter and include features that make your hotel experience unique. You can include marvelous visuals of your unique designs, interiors, local food delicacies, and even nearby attractions that can entice viewers so that they share your content, making them reach even more people. 

3. Offer Exclusive Deals 

Social media users usually engage with a brand because they are loyal to them or find their content interesting. To boost this loyalty and show existing and new customers that you care about them, you can introduce exclusive deals and offerings.

For example, you can offer on-site rewards, such as free drinks or discount vouchers, to those who follow your page. This will not only bring more engagement with your social media page but also help increase footfall to your property as well. 

4. Utilize Short Form Videos

Not only social media platforms but now Google as well is preferring short videos. So, as a hotelier, make use of this growing trend and create short videos on various social media channels to increase engagement and your search engine rankings. 

Instagram Reels, YouTube shorts, Live Videos, and TikTok videos are the major players. To be active and popular on all the platforms is your target. And for that, you can repurpose your videos across platforms. If you have created a great TikTok video, post it as Reels on Instagram. Keep a library of videos on YouTube and include applicable content on your website to increase the use of rich content. 

A trusted website development company in Florida, such as ours, can help you with creating and marketing short videos to promote your hotel business to newer heights. 

5. Launch Contests on Various Platforms

Arranging contests on various platforms allows you to engage with and reach a much wider and diverse audience among your customer base. Posting contests across social media channels can help increase followers and audience very quickly. 

Some common types of contests can include a “caption this photo” contest, a giveaway (such as tagging 2 friends to win a free stay), trivia games with prizes, and sharing your best travel photos, which will then be posted on your social media page. People love interactive games and winning prizes. So, launching contests on several platforms can help increase engagement and following of your page. 

6. Try Influencer Marketing

People with a strong following and personal brand have recently become popular with businesses to promote brands. These people are known as social media influencers who can influence their following about a product, and if your product gets in line with their follower base, you get the chance to showcase your services to the right audience likely to be interested in your offerings. 

So, find an influencer who aligns with your brand and voice. Micro-influencers with 1,000 – 5,000 followers are your best bet, as they have loyal followings with more than average engagement rates. The price of influencer marketing is usually a free stay plus food, drinks, and activities. If you find an influencer for your brand, it is a great way to reach your target audience. 

7. Invest in Paid Advertising

Paid social media campaigns are another digital marketing tool you can use to generate positive results without the expenses associated with traditional advertising. Social media advertisements are extremely useful because of the detailed audience targeting features available. The benefits of paid campaigns on social media include:

  • Built-in retargeting features
  • Huge potential reach
  • Features to advertise to extremely specific demographics

Among social media advertisements, Facebook ads are the most popular. You can also create ads for Instagram from the Facebook Ads Manager platform. From here, you can target very specific demographics – your ideal client persona, who would be interested in availing your services. 

You can connect with a trusted PPC agency in Florida to run ads not only on social media but on every other channel, including Google. 

These are some of the strategies you can follow to increase reach and rankings on the internet. The strategies, when applied correctly, will surely help you increase your reach and boost engagement on your social media channels.


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