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Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

Marketers spend most of their money, time, and resources driving traffic and clicks to their websites. They think it to be the endgame. But the main factor lies in something else. And that is, generating interest is the initial phase of SEO or Search Engine Optimization and digital marketing. The real difficulty is converting those traffic and clicks into profits. This is the place where CRO or Conversion Rate Optimization comes in.

Markethix is a reputable digital marketing agency that offers customized conversion rate optimization services to many clients across the U.S. We work with different businesses to improve the website’s usability and convert more visitors to the page into customers.

CRO And Its Impact On Business Marketing Efforts

CRO or Conversion Rate Optimization is the process of testing and optimizing the elements of the website. It includes CTA or Call To Action buttons, website structure, and content design, and aims at increasing the percentage of website visitors who will complete the desired goal.

While defining this concept, marketers often use purchases to measure success. The goals and objectives of CRO differ depending on the brand. There are various CRO SEO goals that you can set, depending on your business. They include:

  • Social media shares
  • Sales
  • App installation
  • Form submission
  • CTA button clicks
  • Newsletter sign-ups


If you are not making use of the best practices to make the CRO marketing goals measurable and actionable, there is no point in Conversion Rate Optimization. Do you know what you want to achieve with your website? Firstly, understand your needs and the demands of your audience and launch potential conversion marketing campaigns to impress more people who would likely take the desired action.

Additionally, when you focus on improving the conversion rates, you must go through various CRO metrics that will positively impact the optimization efforts and the CRO SEO results.

What is CRO Metric?

Conversion Optimization metrics are the companies’ benchmarks to keep track of records during the CRO testing. It helps determine the website’s performance and identify conversion marketing and conversion funnel optimization opportunities.

Conversion Rate Metrics include:

  • Bounce rate

Bounce rate is the total percentage of page visitors who visit the website but do not navigate to other web pages. If the bounce rate is higher, it indicates an issue with the CRO of the website. At Markethix, we help lower the bounce rate as it is important to increase the website’s conversion rate.

  • Entrance

Entrance refers to an event where online users enter the website from an external source such as organic search results, paid campaigns, or social media posts. The more visitors landing on your website, the higher the chances of improving the conversion rates.

  • CTR or Click-Through Rate

CTR shows the total number of people seeing your organic listing, ads, or search results and clicking on the website link. The click-through rate helps gauge the effectiveness of the keyword performance and the relevance of the CRO marketing campaign.

  • Pages Per Visit

Pages Per Visit helps measure the volume of the web pages that the specific audience segment views on the website. The average Page Per Visit helps determine the site’s ability and engagement in providing helpful information.

  • Page Load Time

Page Load Time shows how quickly the website will respond to user interaction. According to studies, the first five seconds of the load time of your page have the highest impact on the conversion rate. The team at Markethix optimizes the page load time and prioritizes the user experience in your website design to increase conversion rate.

  • ROI or Return On Investment

If the growth-centric method does not boost the conversion rate, there is no point in conversion optimization. The ROI of the business is all that matters and every conversion rate marketing effort aims at increasing the ROI.

  • Leads Generated

The leads generated mean site visitors or online users interested in your business offerings and willing to go along the conversion path. Markethix works in creating effective conversion rates marketing campaigns that help in above-average conversion rate leads and supportable revenue.

  • Website Traffic

Website traffic refers to the total number of online users who visit your website. The website traffic patterns help determine the significant areas of improvement for effective website conversion optimization.


Why Are Conversion Rates Beneficial For Online Business?

What will be your next step after gaining your customer’s interest? It is crucial to convince customers to purchase your product. It may sound easy, but actually, it isn’t. As per research, approximately 68% of businesses don’t have a properly structured website conversion optimization strategy.


The amount spent on driving traffic and turning the traffic into conversions differs significantly. Suppose brands do not capitalize on website conversion optimization. In that case, there is a high chance of missing out on profitable opportunities to gather data, improve conversion rates, and enhance the website to its full potential.

On the other hand, if the brand invests in CRO services, the benefits are:

  • Develop a customer-oriented mindset
  • Make appropriate decisions depending on the data
  • Improve CRO marketing results
  • Set your brand apart from the competition

Increase The Conversion Rate And Get Higher Revenue Over Time

CRO is a smart investment helping businesses to move toward their goals. Suppose brands are struggling to convert leads into potential customers. In that case, Markethix assesses the sales funnel and user experience to look at the problem areas and remove anything that might adversely affect your business’s conversion goals.

Reach out to our digital marketing agency- Markethix, and discover ways of lowering the bounce rate and working on increasing conversion rates. We use the proper and latest optimization techniques to create a user-friendly website that’s likely to convert more visitors into customers.

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